Wednesday, July 11, 2018

21inspirational quotes on TIME

Time, we have a limited amount of it, but it is something many of us squander away. May these quotes inspire you to be wise with your time.
1. “Time is free, but it’s priceless. You can’t own it, but you can use it. You can’t keep it, but you can spend it. Once you’ve lost it you can never get it back.” Harvey Mackay
2. “The trouble is, you think you have time.” Buddha
3. “There’s only one thing more precious than our time and that’s who we spend it on.” Leo Christopher
4. “The greatest gift you can give someone is your time because when you give your time, you are giving a portion of your life that you will never get back.” Anonymous

5. “You will never find time for anything. If you want time, you must make it.” Charles Brixton

6. “The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.” Leo Tolstoy
7. “We all make time for what we feel is important in our lives.” Anonymous
8. “Time is precious. Make sure you spend it with the right people.” Anonymous
9. “Time has a wonderful way of showing us what really matters.” Anonymous

10. “Always make time for things that make you feel happy to be alive.” Anonymous

11. “If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of.” Bruce Leee
12. “Either you run the day, or the day runs you.” Jim Rohn
13. “For every minute you are angry, you lose 60 seconds of happiness.” Anonymous
14. “If not now, when?” Anonymous

15. “Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.” William Penn

16. “The way we spend our time defines who we are.” Jonathan Estrin
17. “I refuse to entertain negativity. Life is too big and time is too short to get caught up in empty drama.” Anonymous
18. “Time slips away like grains of sand never to return again.” Robin Sharma
19. “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” Steve Jobs

20. “Be selective with who you invest your time, wasted time is worse than wasted money.” Anonymous

21. “The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.” Anonymous

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